My First Paper Airplane Book: Fun Designs and Easy Tear-Out Pages for Kids!

My First Paper Airplane Book: Fun Designs and Easy Tear-Out Pages for Kids Review.

I have a 10-year-old daughter who is way into crafts especially ones including paper. I also have a 9-year-old son who really likes plans and always had people making paper ones for him when he was smaller. I showed the kids the book and had them each pick one to start out with. My daughter picked out the heart one and my son picked out the zipper one. They both went to work but had a couple issues. My daughter and son were a little confused with the instructions. The paper was also a little hard to get out even for me. Once I showed them what to do it became easier and their planes came out great and flew even better. I have pictures of the planes to share below.

To try it out:

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